You don’t study to pass an exam, you study for the decisions you bet your life on. Learn the “WRITE” stuff.
What will you get?
Flying is not all about drilling holes in the sky all day long. Although this is the fun and more interesting part of learning to become a pilot, there is a far more important aspect to flight training. That is the theoretical aspect. A thorough understanding of the theoretical subjects is of paramount importance to the safe and proper operation of an aircraft.
Our books are all compiled by pilots for pilots to bring you the best value for those who are passionate about the industry.
Quality Books
High quality, full colour illustrations and diagrams, thorough explanations and so much more.
The books are created in a way to make learning easier and faster.
Knowledge is power and our books are designed to ensure you get all the required theoretical information
From Principles of flight all the way through to Air Law, each and every subject needs to be understood, to ensure that you are aware of everything that is happening to the aircraft during all the phases of flight. In addition, as your career progresses to the airlines/charter companies, most interview questions are based on this theoretical foundation. Gone are the days of learning questions and answers.
Compiled for pilots
by pilots
The Lazy Bird range of manuals, have been compiled for pilots by pilots, and the explanations, diagrams are of the highest quality, to ease the study process and ensure that your brain is filled with all the required theoretical information.
- Easy To Digest
- Covers All the Bases
- High Quality Books